ScanLook RevolutionThere are many mapping jobs that do not require survey accurate 2 cm global positioning. Sometimes all that matters is that you can get accurate measurements on heights of power poles, potential vegetation encroachment, bridge clearances, or locate street signs and then be able to return later to their location if need be. But hey, if you need 2 cm positioning there are ways it can do this too. Combine a L1/L2 GNSS receiver, ground control points, and ScanLook Export software with Revolution and you easily and affordably have the level of positioning you were looking for. Revolution was designed using the “focus on the hole, not the drill” philosophy. It’s easy to use, affordable, and captures the answers you need now.
INS (VectorNav VN-300)
LiDAROn the Revolution, you have more than just one option for your laser. You can choose the Velodyne VLP-16, Velodyne PuckLITE, Velodyne HDL-32E, or Quanergy M8. Our recommended versions of the Revolution are with the VLP-16, PuckLITE, and Quanergy M8. See the specifications below.
Velodyne Puck/Puck LITE
Quanergy M8