NHPR Explores need for legislation to protect privacy

As More Drones Take to the Skies, N.H. Lawmakers Could Add More Flight Rules By PAIGE SUTHERLAND There are more than 2,500 drones registered in New Hampshire. And with their popularity on the rise you can expect to see more of these unmanned aircrafts buzzing around...

Eagle XF Sense and Avoid System Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sense and Avoid Technology Now Available on Eagle XF Nottingham, NH, November 1, 2016 – UAV-America, Inc., announced today the implementation of its advanced Sense and Avoid System (obstacle avoidance) for their Eagle XF quad platform. ...

Defending America The Unmanned Way, By Steve Johnson

The Army is all in with unmanned aircraft. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), is what they’re called. “Well, the anticipated outcome from the industry is very, very large. The main reason is because if you can think it, a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) can...

Galileo Instruments Named as Authorized Eagle Dealer

          For Immediate release                                                                                     Date June 17, 2016 For information, contact: Jim Cooper – UAV America, Inc. – 603-398-6364 Felipe Sanchez Gonzalez –...

Great article on UAVA

New Hampshire Business Review profiles UAV America, a manufacturing firm in Nottingham that hopes to become a leader in commercial UAS use. Last year, UAV America unveiled the Eagle XF, a four-rotor UAS with a seven pound payload and the ability for up to an hour of...